Judo is practiced by more than 100 million people in more than 200 countries worldwide. It’s popularity stems from the fact it:

  • Can be enjoyed by males and females
  • Develops athletic skills and physical literacy, as well as complex movement patterns and tactics
  • Offers avenues of philosophical exploration through its Japanese origins
  • Teaches self defense and conflict management skills
  • Can be pursued toward Olympic glory.
  • Teaches Partnership and Respect because no progress in judo is possible without partners help and cooperation

Judo teaches participants fundamental movement skills, fundamental sport skills and the ABCs – agility, balance, coordination and speed – of physical literacy.

Active Start: U7

FUNdamentals: U9

Learn to Train: U11

Judo’s Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model consists of seven stages.

  • Active Start (Age Under-7) – Focuses on daily physical activity in unstructured and semi-structured environments emphasizing basic movement skills.
  • FUNdamentals (U9) – Builds the ABCs in a fun, participatory environment while encouraging the development of the basic movement skills and general development that lead to physical literacy.
  • Learn to Train (U11, U13) – Begins integration of physical, emotional, cognitive and affective development with an emphasis on skill development.
  • Train to Train (U15) – Consists of sport-specific skill development with emphasis on aerobic and strength capacities.
  • Train to Compete (U17, U20) – Emphasizes sport-specific technical, tactical and fitness preparation.
  • Train to Win (18+/-) – Maximizes all physical, mental, emotional and ancillaries capabilities with the aim of succeeding competitively on the international stage.
  • Active for Life (any age) – Transitions high performance athletes into a participatory role and encourages everyone – whether competitive or recreational athletes – to remain active for life.

Taking it to the Mat: Judo LTAD
The Judo Canada LTAD model is a comprehensive document designed to provide the Canadian Judo community with a blueprint to facilitate options for development and life-long participation in the sport of judo.

Judo Canada: Tournament Policy
The purpose of this document is to standardize the operation of judo tournaments and other judo events in Canada.

The U7 Active Start Judo Program is oriented towards beginner judokas between four and six years of age. For children this young, judo exercises are used as tools in development of athletic abilities. Learning judo techniques cannot be the priority of the program.

The U9 FUNdamentals Sport Program focuses on just that – FUNdamentals – and is for seven- and eight-year-old children, who require an individual approach to sports programs.

The U11 & U13 Learn to Train Program pays particular attention to the individual athlete’s needs, as this phase is one of the most important periods for the young athlete’s development.

Find your Provincial Judo Federation off Judo Canada’s Provincial Judo Associations page.

Judo Canada – judocanada.org